Moderation - the key to weight loss
The therapeutic benefits of hypnotherapy on food moderation
I am a hypnotherapist, counsellor and nutritionist that facilitates healthy change and lasting wellbeing for my clients. Professionally I have helped motivate hundreds of clients to implement positive lifestyles that promotes moderation. There is no greater validation as a health therapist than watching clients change their lives and become healthy, happy individuals.
I have specialised in weight-loss, binge eating disorders and yo-yo dieters for the majority of my career. Many of my clients required help navigating release from their self-sabotage relationships with food, low self-esteem, depression and often anxiety.
Professional insight!
What my years of professional practice in this area has taught me is that people oscillate between good and bad internal and external behaviour. This fluctuating behaviour leads them towards and then away from the life they are wanting to lead.
For so many, optimal health and self sabotage can unfortunately be two sides of the same coin. They flip between polar behaviours like a game of heads and tails, curtailing dietary progress in its path. Examples of this may be holiday binging, binge eating disorders and emotional eating resulting from psychological triggers.
How to break the cycle?
What is guaranteed is that when this movement between the two states of behaviour can be slowed down, lasting weight-loss can occur. Triggers can be managed, moderation found and control gained.
Through hypnotherapy, clients are able to connect to their own inner wisdom and power. They are able to remove obstacles and dissolve self sabotaging behaviours. Focusing on self, learning to defuse from destructive self judgement and connecting with your higher purpose and values can completely change the trajectory of your health and life.
The ‘Journal of consulting and clinical psychology’ published research on the hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behanioral weigh loss treatments; this research indicated that patients who underwent regular hypnotherapy over their weight-loss process experienced greater loss in overall kilograms over time.
To dig deeper and learn how to kick your old dieting patterns to the curb then contact me to discuss my weight-loss packages.
*Create an awesome tomorrow by changing today*