Solutions to weight loss obstacles
Weight loss goes beyond just sticking to a diet and starting to exercise. Dieters may also confront significant physical, emotional or environmental barriers that cause weight gain and make it harder to lose weight and keep it off. As a quick reference I’ve compiled a list of common weight loss barriers and some solutions to deal with them…..
Obstacle: You can’t do hungry!
Solution: Fill up on nutrient dense, low carb and filling foods.
Eat: Non-starch vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and fruits.
*Golden rule:Eat food that is whole and do not eat food that has been processed.
Obstacle: Think Exercise is boring?
Solution: If you like it you will be able to maintain in!
*Golden Rule:Try new things such as paddle boarding, jogging or yoga until something sticks. It’s about moving your body! Set fitness goals and work hard at them.
Obstacle: You give up once you’ve messed up once.
Solution: Be kind on yourself and remember that a failed attempt is just a hiccup. Forgive yourself, let it go and start again.
*Golden Rule: Treat yourself as you would treat a friend in the same situation. Be Kind.
Obstacle: Find that when faced with temptation your willpower just disappears?
Solution: Have a set response to temptation.
*Golden Rule:Pay attention to when you are tempted. Is it when you are tired, upset or bored? Whatever it is make sure you have a healthy snack to prevent hunger, practice grounding techniques and have a go to activity for distraction.
Obstacle:Overwhelming emotions and stress.
Solution:Know what calms you! Eg. a run, a bath, reading a book and meditating….
*Golden Rule: This is one of the most common triggers for binging eating. Knowing this have measures in place that you know work to relax and refocus you. Knowing what to do in these situations will help you manage them effectively.
Obstacles are made to be overcome, so add these solutions to your weight-loss toolbox and watch those kilograms fall off you in a healthy sustainable way. If you want more information and would like to discuss how my 3month or 6month weight-loss programs can help you then contact me on the details below.
In health and happiness.
Talitha Newton.
*Create Tomorrow by Changing Today*
0466 810 183